课.程.描.述 :
????要获得今天的复杂集成电路功能验证所需的速度和效率要求我们采用一体化的验证方法。Cadence Incisive平台适用于从系统设计到系统内设计的所有设计验证领域 – 嵌入式软件、控制、数据通路、模拟/数字混合信号。
Incisive平台是世界上首个单内核验证平台,Incisive单内核架构支持Verilog, VHDL, SystemVerilog, SystemC, SCV(SystemC Verification), PSL/Sugar,算法开发和模拟/数字混合信号验证。它采用了通用的用户界面和调试环境,支持全事务级的验证,一体化测试方法,按需加速。Incisive平台提供业界最快速,最高效的验证方法。
课.程.目.标 :
After completing this course, you should be able to:
■?Briefly describe Incisive simulation
■?Set up your environment for Incisive simulation
■?Compile, elaborate, and simulate your design and testbench
■?Debug your design with the textual and graphical interfaces
■?Incorporate components of “foreign” languages in your simulation
■?Annotate SDF timing data to the HDL portions of your design
■?Incorporate C and C++ applications into your simulation
Unit 1
Time Topic
09:30-09:45??Introduction & agenda
09:45-10:00??Incisive simulation overview
10:00-10:30??Setting up the simulation environment
10:30-12:00??Compiling your design
13:30-02:15??Elaborating your design
02:15-03:45??Simulating your design
03:45-05:00??Debugging with the textual interface
Unit 2
Time Topic
09:30-10:00??Debugging with the textual interface
10:00-11:15??Debugging with the graphical interface
11:15-12:45??Simulating mixed-language designs
01:45-02:00??Introducing simulator utilities
02:00-03:30??[optional] Annotating SDF timing
03:30-05:00??[optional] Linking user applications