本课程面向企事业项目实际需要,秉承二十一年积累的教学品质,F5 Networks培训――BIG-IP ASM 10.x版培训课程以项目实现为导向,老师将会与您分享设计的全流程以及工具的综合使用技巧、经验。线上/线下/上门皆可,F5 Networks培训――BIG-IP ASM 10.x版培训课程专家,课程可定制,热线:4008699035。
F5 Networks培训——BIG-IP ASM 10.x版培训
Upon completing this course, a student will be able to install and understand
application flow on an Application Security Manager and configure security for a
Web application based on the Standard and Enhanced Standard security model.
Additionally a student will be able to monitor and administer an Application
Security Manager as well as modify and configure advanced security policies
using different methodologies.
HTTP and HTML Concepts 超文本传输协议和超文本链接标识语言概念
Common Vulnerabilities 基本弱点
Web Application Configuration 网络应用程序配置
Security Policy Configuration 安全策略配置
Traffic Forensics Ongoing Policy Management 在线策略管理
ASM Application Flow 应用安全管理器应用流
Enhancing Standard Policies 加强标准策略
APC & Policy Building Tools APC&策略建立工具
ASM Learning应用安全管理器学习
Advanced Policy Configuration 高级策略配置