课程名称:User Manual AutoGrid™ v4 Automated Grid Generator for Turbomachinery
CHAPTER 1: Overview
1-1 Introduction
1-2 AutoGrid™ v4 GUI
CHAPTER 2: Getting Started
2-1 Starting AutoGrid™ v4
2-2 Set Up Settings
2-3 Flow Path Settings
2-4 Blade-to-Blade Mesh Control
2-5 3D Mesh Generation
2-6 Save Project
CHAPTER 3: Geometry Definition
3-1 Introduction
3-2 Geometry Turbo Files
CHAPTER 4: Mesh Generation
4-1 Blade To Blade Mesh Control & I-Topology
4-2 Mesh with Tip Clearance
4-3 Mesh with Hub Clearance
4-4 HOH Mesh for Highly-Staggered Blade
4-5 Blade with Blunt Leading Edge and/or Blunt Trailing Edge
4-6 Mesh with Splitter Blade
4-7 Discontinuities on the Hub & Shroud
4-8 Bulb - Hub Curve with R=0
4-9 Mesh around a Propeller.
4-10 Seal Leakage Defined at Shroud
4-11 Seal Leakage Connected to the Hub
CHAPTER 5: Special Features
5-1 Control Geometrical Tolerance
5-2 Control Flow Paths Generation.
5-3 Control Extension Shape
5-4 Control Leading & Trailing Edge Position
5-5 Sharp Leading & Trailing Edges
5-6 Rotor/Stator Interaction
5-7 Orthogonality Control on Periodic Faces
5-8 Visualize Surface/Curve in Meridional View
5-9 Blade Tolerance
5-10 Batch Processing
CHAPTER 6: Troubleshooting
6-1 Strange Loops on Boundaries
6-2 Blade to Blade Boundaries not Fully Defined
6-3 Problems & Bug Reports
CHAPTER 7: Output Files
7-1 Template & Geometry Files
7-2 Grid Files