课程要求:MAT LAB基础、 MAT LAB信号处理 和Simulink信号处理 ,或者拥有MAT LAB、Simulink和Signal Processing Toolbox应用经验.
Amplitude Modulation Using Simulink |
Objective: To review Simulink topics necessary for the training. An AM system will be built to demonstrate basic concepts in Simulink.
Modeling Using the Communications Blockset |
Objective: To use Communications Blockset to build an end-to-end QPSK model and become familiar with the different visualization tools within the blockset.
Communication Systems Analysis |
Objective: To analyze the BER performance of an end-to-end communication system by writing a MATLAB script and BERTool.
Channel Impairments and Receiver Algorithms |
Objective: To add channel impairments and recovery blocks to test receiver performance.